
Lab News (click here for archived news)

  • [new!] Utako Minai co-presented a study on Japanese-speaking children's meaning comprehension and grammatical judgment at the IASCL 2023 (July, 2024).
  • [new!] Ayumi Nobuki, Megumi Ishikawa and Utako Minai co-presented their work on Japanese-speaking children's comprehension of negative sentences at the 2023 SRCD Biennial Meeting (March, 2023) and at the 48th BUCLD (November, 2023).
  • [new!] Utako Minai published a co-authored article in Journal of Child Language titled Comprehension and processing of the universal quantifier in children, adolescents and adults. (September, 2023)
  • [new!]  Amaya Madden and Utako Minai published an article titled "Acquisition of Japanese Negative Polarity Item Licensing by English-speaking Second Language Learners" in Japanese/Korean Linguistics 30.
  • Amaya Madden and Utako Minai presented work on acquisition of Japanese NPI by English-speaking L2 learners at the 30th Japanese/Korean Linguistics Conference (March 2023).
  • Ayumi Nobuki and Utako Minai pulished an article titled "The role of contrastive topic -wa in the felicity judgment of negation in Japanese" in Japanese/Korean Linguistics 29 (2022).
  • Megumi Ishikawa and Utako Minai published an article titled "Children's comprehension of possesive and adversative passives in Japanese: Examining alternating hypotheses" in BUCLD46. (2022)
  • Utako Minai has been awarded the 2021 Byron A. Alexander Outstanding Graduate Mentor Award, given to honor a faculty member in the College who demonstrates exceptional effort, care, and guidance in the advisement of graduate students (May, 2021)
  • Tingting Wang, Nick Feroce, Jesus Briseno and Utako Minai presented a study "Seeking the sources of children’s comprehension errors involving the universal quantifier every" at the Generative Approaches to Language Acquisition North America, with Dr. Kate Coughlin. (May, 2021)
  • Katherine Patz, a winnder of Undergraduate Research Award Spring 2021, presented her honors project in Linguistics titled "Analyzing Syntactic Structure of Question Sentences by Simultaneous Bilingual Children Acquiring English and Japanese", mentored by Utako Minai, at the Undergraduate Research Symposium. (April, 2021)
  • Ayumi Nobuki and Utako Minai presented a poster "Pragmatic felicity of negation in Japanese" at the 2021 SRCD Virtual Biennial Meeting. (April, 2021)
  • Utako Minai published a book review article in First Language. (2020)